
Treating annoying colon bloating in women

Treating annoying colon bloating in women

Treating annoying colon bloating in women

The issue of treating annoying colon bloating in women is one of the most important things that preoccupies Eve, and she searches for a permanent solution for it. Colon bloating is not only a medical nuisance for women, but it is also a nuisance of another kind related to her not feeling comfortable while sitting among people, while she may make embarrassing sounds resulting from her disturbed colon movement.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to colon bloating in women, and of course, the most prominent topic that we will discuss is treating annoying colon bloating in women after knowing its causes.

What is annoying colon bloating in women?

It is known among people as the colon, while its medical description is the large intestine, which means the last part of the digestive system before the process of excretion directly through the rectum and then the anus. The large intestine (colon) is considered the part of the digestive system responsible for ridding the body of excess water, salts and some nutrients through the process of excretion.

During the food’s journey through the body (the digestive process), the stomach breaks down the food, the small intestine absorbs it, and transports what cannot be absorbed to the large intestine. In the large intestine, the remains of water, salts, and vitamins are extracted until only what can be dispensed with is left outside the body.

This is the normal digestive process.

However, when there is indigestion or a malfunction in the digestive process for any reason, gases accumulate in the colon and this is one of the most important causes of upper abdominal bloating in women, which causes them severe discomfort!


What are the causes of colon bloating in women?

There are several causes of abdominal bloating in women. It is not necessarily related to the digestive condition. There may be hormonal causes for this bloating, or any other causes as will be explained in the following list.

  1. Stomach gases

Gas is at the top of the list of causes of colon bloating in women. Gases are produced by the digestive system as a normal result of the digestive process. However, sometimes gases multiply in the colon, causing severe discomfort to Eve.

Why do gases multiply?

This is due to a disturbance in the digestive process. This disturbance is often related to the process of absorbing carbohydrates. If the small intestine is unable to absorb carbohydrates in the digestive process, they move to the large intestine and a process called fermentation occurs.

The fermentation process does not necessarily occur except when eating large amounts of food – especially carbohydrates, which are difficult for the intestine to absorb (The same thing happens when eating quickly and not chewing food well).

The most prominent causes of abdominal gas accumulation and colon bloating are eating carbohydrates that digestive enzymes cannot handle and digest optimally.

This causes gas accumulation in the abdomen in a very annoying way, especially for women. When we talk about gas accumulation in the colon due to difficulty absorbing carbohydrates, we may need to talk about…..

  1. Digestive system diseases that cause colon bloating

The list of digestive system diseases or disorders includes a long list of diseases, and they all often cause abdominal gas and colon bloating. For example:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome) IBS): It has many symptoms, but its most prominent symptom is increased abdominal gas.
  • Carbohydrate Intolerance
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO): In which there is a large growth of gas-producing bacteria at rates greater than normal, which causes abdominal gas accumulation and the search for ways to quickly remove abdominal bloating increases. At the same time, there is a decline in the growth of beneficial bacteria that help get rid of flatulence
  • Gas hypersensitivity or visceral hypersensitivity: Gases grow naturally and automatically in the digestive system. However, there are some people who are extremely sensitive to gases, even if they are small. Eve may be one of them
  1. Hormones

Eve goes through many hormonal fluctuations that change the chemistry of her body. She goes through her menstrual period every month, as well as when she is pregnant, gives birth, and after giving birth, and even menopause.

Even when Eve uses a contraceptive, her body struggles to deal with the artificial hormones that tamper with it, one of the possible symptoms of which is increased flatulence or colon bloating.

Treating annoying colon bloating in women naturally

When we talk about treating annoying colon bloating in women from nature, perhaps drinks to treat colon bloating or treating colon bloating with herbs come to mind. Both are correct, of course. But there are other treatments from nature that can also be applied without the need to eat anything.

We will now review treating colon bloating in women naturally:

  1. Adhering to a healthy diet

What is meant by diet is staying away from all foods that cause colon bloating. It also means adhering to specific amounts of food as needed only, and not overeating, especially that which causes irritation to the colon and then excessive gas and bloating.

  1. Staying away from stress as much as possible

There are many diseases that are caused by a person’s psychological state. If a person commits to protecting his body from the effects of psychological troubles, then most likely no physical diseases will occur, whether those related to the colon or others.

But – indeed – frequent exposure to psychological influences that cause stress and anxiety are among the most common things that lead to colon disorders and excessive flatulence.

  1. Exercise regularly

Eve needs to exercise in general, but in the case of treating annoying colon bloating in women, the importance of exercise doubles. Whether it is a specific sport (tennis – swimming – running – etc.) or regular visits to the gym, this will improve the digestive condition in general, and reduce bloating in particular.

  1. Avoid bad habits

Such as eating quickly, sleeping immediately after eating, chewing gum, smoking, eating legumes, eating fried or high-fat foods, and soft drinks.

And try to replace all the previous habits with other healthy habits that help relax and stabilize the digestive condition.

  1. Apply warm compresses to the abdominal area

This method makes it easy to get rid of gases safely, and reduces annoying bloating.

  1. Eat drinks and foods that help get rid of gases

There is a long list of drinks that treat colon bloating in a completely natural way and away from medications or medical preparations. The diversity of this list allows Eve to choose the appropriate drink for her from among many drinks according to preferences and taste.

There is a boiled cinnamon drink that has good effects in getting rid of gases. There is also mint, anise, ginger, green tea, and other drinks. Adding black seed and fennel seeds to food can greatly reduce stomach gases.

Treatment of annoying colon bloating in women from the pharmacy

If you prefer a quick and safe solution, Zymoforte will be waiting for you as one of the best medical preparations that soothe women’s digestive conditions.


Zymoforte for digestive disorders consists of 100% natural ingredients to avoid the element of undesirable side effects that treat one side and cause fatigue on the other side. Zymoforte consists of turmeric, fennel, ginger and pineapple as completely natural ingredients that contain enzymes that help stabilize the digestive condition and get rid of gases naturally.


Then the fifth ingredient in Zymoforte is the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii yeast, which helps absorb nutrients in the small intestine, and reduces the possibility of the intestines and colon being exposed to harmful bacteria that cause such symptoms.

Zymoforte for digestive disorders is manufactured by the Spanish company Martinez, which has 65 years of experience in manufacturing pharmaceuticals and exporting them to the Middle East and North Africa.



There is no doubt that colon bloating is a very annoying symptom for anyone. However, this discomfort is doubled for women, both physically and in terms of social embarrassment in being among a group of people. Treating annoying colon bloating in women requires many preventive measures to avoid it, such as eating moderate amounts, eating slowly, and avoiding foods that irritate the colon.

You can also drink soothing drinks such as mint and anise. However, if the symptoms persist, it may be preferable to take a medical preparation such as Zymoforte for digestive disorders.


Treating annoying colon bloating in women



  1. Treatment of annoying colon bloating in women – Medicine and Life with Dr. Rami Shaath
  2. Colon gases: between symptoms and treatment – Webteb
  3. Bloating – Altibbi
  4. Colon bloating: causes, symptoms and treatment – Webteb
  5. Colon – Altibbi